inspiration – DENMARK & DOUGHNUTS

In Denmark 96 out of 98 municipalities is a member of Race to Zero. This has enabled coordinated planning and delivery of decarbonisation across the country using the same Paris Agreement-aligned ambition, and common metrics and accounting methods. It has also enabled shared solutions to challenges and economies of scale.

We hope that Wales following the Danish example will inspire and pave the way for many more countries around the world to adopt a similar coherent approach to the existential challenge of decarbonisation.

Read more about the work in Denmark and watch this video explaining how Denmark embraced Race to Zero and is experiencing the benefits.

Doughnut Economics

The groundbreaking Well-being of Future Generations (Cymru) Act 2015 provides a framework for climate action in Wales to happen in the context of achieving wider environmental, social and economic wellbeing goals.

Doughnut Economics, an economic model devised by Kate Raworth, is a way of embedding these wider goals in Race to Zero decarbonisation plans and activities.