Race to zero Cymru
Accelerating the Race to Zero in Wales
The latest science shows that even a 1.5-degree temperature rise risks breaching critical tipping points in the Earth’s natural systems that support life. The future of civilisation, and the natural world as we know it, rests on removing barriers to decarbonisation and delivering accelerated practical action.
Race to Zero is a UN backed global initiative rallying non-state actors to take rigorous and immediate action to halve global emissions by 2030 in line with the Paris Agreement and deliver a healthier, fairer, greener zero carbon world. Members adopt robust action plans and commit to transparent reporting.
We want Wales to be the first Race to Zero nation with coordinated, robust Paris Agreement-aligned action across all of Wales’ key institutions and organisations.
Wales / Cymru
Wales is a small country with big ambition.
In 2015, the ground-breaking Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act committed Wales to being a “globally responsible” nation.
In 2019, Wales became the first nation in the world to declare a climate emergency, and the Welsh Government has adopted a Team Wales approach that encourages all parts of society to contribute to a just transition to a zero-carbon future.
Strong progress to meet Wales’ first Carbon Budget (2016-2020), with a reduction of 28% below 1990 levels.
In recognition of the need to further accelerate climate action, the Co-operation Agreement initiated a Net Zero 2035 Challenge Group to explore amending Wales’ net zero target from 2050 to 2035 (see Race to Zero and Net Zero 2035 briefing).
In June 2023 the Climate Change Committee warned that Wales is not on track to meet future carbon budgets and the Welsh Government must use all of the powers at its disposal must now accelerate decarbonisation.
Amongst other recommendations, the Committee highlighted the need for: greater clarity about the role of local authorities; improved quality of local authority climate action plans; and appropriate funding for local authorities to deliver climate action.
Race to Zero is a framework that can help Wales to raise ambition, achieve the clarity needed and close the delivery gap.
This is how Corporate Joint Committees, local authorities, Public Services Boards can all play a coordinated role.
Momentum is growing for Wales to become the first Race to Zero nation – using the UN-backed framework to co-ordinate and accelerate climate action across all sectors and administrative levels in Wales.
Accelerate the race
Get in touch if you want to:
- Find out more about Race to Zero
- Connect with other Race to Zero members or prospective members in Wales
- Support existing members to deliver
- Encourage your local authority, university, or other organisation to join Race to Zero

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